Friday 23 October 2009

Happy 40th Birthday Internet

Happy Birthday Internet, 40 years is a long time.  A lot can happen in 40 years.  We have been ruled under a woman, had a princess die and entered a war. 

If the Internet ever stops working or I'm offline for a couple of days I panic about my email or just general missing out on the latest gossip from my friends or around the world. I don't have a clue what I would do without the usual suspects: Facebook, Twitter, Hotmail etc. Even the people that were around before the Internet wonder what they'd do without it now.  The oldest tweeter has been named, by the Guardian as Ivy Bean at 104.

When it was first invented it was only meant for Academic Researchers.  Nobody knew how many people would use it world-wide, or how useful it would be to Academic Researchers and school pupils alike.  Since I can remember there was a computer in my living room or going to play round a friends and playing weird games on the Internet.

Now, as I have got older I use the Internet for more useful, educational reasons.  Such as: blogging, tweeting, reading, finding information and shopping. The Guardian says, "the first blogger may never be identified for sure, but the most likely candidate is American freelance journalist Justin Hall, who began blogging in 1994." Visit his basic blog at - 

As time goes by and the Internet has more and more websites, Facebook has more and more followers and there are becoming more and more tweets on Twitter, I wonder what it will look like in the next 40 years.  I'll be 59 and entering my retirement years, but will I still be tweeting or will there be a new form of communication between people. Roaring, barking or cooing for example? Or will I even be writing on a keyboard anymore? Will I simply say something into a microphone and it will get sent to whomever I choose? Time moves fast in the way of technology, but how much further can it change the way we live our lives?


  1. I LOVE this!
    Its written really well; short, to the point and entertaining. Well done :)

  2. Did you know that if you type "Google" into Google you will break the internet?

    Great post; make you wonder what life would be like if the USA switched off the net, which apparently they can.
